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Cloak & Dagger
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on September 01, 1999 at 11:20:02:
In Reply to: Erm...Lark? posted by Red Deathy on August 31, 1999 at 13:05:56:

: Just reading today's (saturday's) gruaniad- tehre was a letter, regarding Northern Ireland, that started to mention 'machiavellian Unionists', well, at first it didn't register, but then the phrase was repeated, and I began to recall that Lark, in his usual was, has started deploying the term Machiavelian extensively in posts, so I thought, well, perhaps machiavellian is common currency in the north...but no, for the letter was Signed Gerard Doneghy- is this Our Lark? has he spilled over from mcSpotlight into the real world? I think we should be told....: -- : McSpotlight: Hmm. I don't know; I'd rather there wasn't too much info on who we really are...you don't need to know my real name is Tony Bl...oops...*g* frankly, i see no need for concealment. My screen name is my real name. I really do live in Newton, massachusetts during the summer and in Cambridge, Mass. during the school year. So if anyone feels the need to send me hate mail, be my guest. Although I have to admit it's kind of interesting, this whole cloak-and-dagger thing....on second thought McSpotlight, go right ahead and conceal your real identity, I suppose one can't be too careful. By the way, if lark gets his letters to the newspaper published he's luckier than I am. i write letters regularly to teh Boston Globe and I have yet to see one published.

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