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Nicaragua still uses its Communist Constitution
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on August 24, 1999 at 00:57:39:
In Reply to: *yawn* posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on August 22, 1999 at 12:19:46:

I just looked it up, and apparently Nicaragua today, under the non-socialist regimes of Chamoro and Aleman, has been using the Communist Constitution drafted in 1987. This is really quite interesting. I can't think of a case when a "democratic" regime has ever used a copnstitution drafted by "totalitarians" as a guide to building democracy (using DC's terminology of course.) So this could mean one of two things. 1) the Sandinistas were not totalitarian (duh!) or 2) the so-called democrats in power since 1990 don't pay attention to their own constitution. (so much for democracy). Or perhaps (horror of horrors!) it might be both?

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