: : What, if anything, should we Nationalize first? I contend that : I agre with you that finance and transportation should be nationalized. Furthermore, I think that many food and mineral industries should also be nationalized.
: I have an additional idea, which is this. We should pass laws saying,
: 1) ANy company which commits a breach of labor laws, pollution laws, waste disposal laws, or antitrust laws, will be nationalized.
: 2) There will be no possibility of re-privatoizing a company, once nationalized.
I can agree whole heartedly with number two but I don't know about number one. It seems like a lot of extra work if we have the government control say, the makers of PEZ candy. It doesn't really serve any purpose. I think that lawsuits and court action should be enough to reform comopanies that are not vital to the public interst (food production, finance, transportation, etc.) or present a profit vs product contradiction (medical care, education). I mean look at GM, they just lost a lawsuit for their defective fuel; tanks inaccess of 4.9 billion dollars! I bet they'll never manke that mistake again!
: In other words, use nationalziation as a punishment for the slightest violation on the part of companies. This will have the double effect of forcing companies to clean up their act and second, since no one is perfect. gradually ensuring that mroe and mroe companies will be nationalized.
I think regulation and lawsuits are sufficiernt to tame companies like this.
: I be;lieve ina highly regulated mixed economy with some slight concessions to teh market more over, I believe that we should borrow from teh mdoel of yugolavia or some third world =economeis and have direct workers' councils controlling some industries.
Direct worker's couincils? Pray tell, provide the skinny on Yugoslavia's econom if you will? I am intrigued.