: :Laissez faire socialism does not com about, it is defeated by inequality. Your organisation has fed upon the death of crypto-communist countries but now sits back and waits.: McSpotlight: It would make the debate much more readable for people who *don't* have degrees in politics if people could define their terms when they first use them. What exactly is meant by "Crypto-Communist"?
Marcos appears to have mis-used the term. I must have glossed it over reading 'psuedo-communist', at least I assumed thats what he meant.
Thatcher used the term famously in Parliament, attacking Neil Kinnock 'You are a Socialist! A Crypto-Communist!'.
The Exact term, and I just checked the dictionary to be sure, means 'concealed, disguised, hi8deen-communist', since the prefix 'crypto' means concealed, hidden disguised.
Unless Marcos really thinks USSR was a communist state disguised as a Stalinist totalitarian dictatorship.... :)