- Capitalism and Alternatives -
The market and nature
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on June 26, 1999 at 12:00:50:
In Reply to: Radical Ontological Category errors. posted by Red Deathy on June 25, 1999 at 19:20:03:

: No, you're confusing two different things, Mr. Bailley has a physical potential for speed, but the Eton kid has been tuaght by human consciousness and action. If I murder your mother, have I hurt you? Again you reify the market, make it a force of nature. You're highly inconsistent.SDF: If I burn out from trying to teach 12-year-olds in a permanent job (which I won't, I know better), I might burn out from an effort of human consciousness and action, but my body dies as a result of a force of nature. The market bumps up against the forces of nature in that workers can only be pushed so far by the downward spiral of wages and working conditions (in my case the latter) before they start to drop like flies. RD have you read Dennis Carlson's TEACHERS AND CRISIS? It might interest you -- critical social theory applied to the schooling of pubescent children.

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