- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: so and so

Posted by: Happy Jack on June 23, 1999 at 10:55:22:

In Reply to: so and so posted by borg on June 22, 1999 at 16:08:17:

: : : Bald assertion and full of sound and fury...

: : SDF: Nope. Please explain why these people are paying so much money if they aren't buying government services...

: Come back when you understand what a free market is.

A Free Market is a market with out any gov. regulations, restrictions. It benifits two groups i can think of, the rich and smack heads. Am I wrong? Selling Govt services is a bad idea. I'm sure there are some out there that would disagree with me. When the govt sets up a budget they don't budget for a profit margine. You will always get better services for your dollar from non profit orginations, because there isn't some "billy gates" skimming billions for himself at the top. what about govt waste? What waste? Some contractor makes more then they should on a govt contact. How is that waste. And some of that Govt waste goes into funding for classified army and airforce projects. I'm just a kid what do i know. Somebody put me in my place.

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