: Dammit, the riot police know their stuff. The last 10 years of protest have taught them what you can and can't do with riot vans; yet they persisted in making an elemental mistake with them. The riot vans should not have been put there in the first place. Full stop.Fighting teh Police, and 'spiky' anarchism always struck me as more than slightly pointless, after all, the police will always win- unless anarchists are gonna don battle armour and organise themselves (yur right!) tain't gonna happen...
: My own personal opinion on this is that RTS is a moderate group -
Although teh Police said, when RTS held a spectacle here in Lancaster, that there were 'vlipoent elements' in teh group,a nd had about 100 police for about 200 hundred protestors in teh city centre.
Laugh of teh millenium was, that the police condemned the portestors, because some mothers brought their bairns along with them to the party- and the lackies in the local press repeated this idiocy wslavishly, word for word, that the RTS types were endangering babies! Ayway, a good time was had by all, so I'm told...
: I think that it either represents gross and almost unbelievable stupidity and negligence by the police; or it represents a deliberate attempt to discredit a peaceful movement by provoking their less tolerant supporters to violence.
Jack boot in teh commons last night condemned J18 et al, because they hadn't co-operated with the Police- the Lardy Mayor of London said that everywhere he looked people were urinating in the streets! (ROFLMAO!). Radio 4 news reports were full of the protest of officialdom, not a peep from J18 et al...were they even asked?
McSpotlight: There's a statement on the J18 website.