: this system would be easily overthrown who'd wanna work for free? Surely anyone who would implicitly understand that Labour freely given would result in a continuation of a system of society within which everything would be recieved for free.
Socialism/Communism was concieved by its founders as the abolition of money. Do you think people are so base as to only work under teh compulsion of the wages system?
:and secondly i bet it'd be a dictatorship wouldn't it thats another reason for revolution well i guess your theory would never work oh well.
Why would a system of society without money, require dictatorship? Surely since no-one can gain from amoneyless system, at the expence of others, it'd be a free and democratic society...
:P.S. would a prostitute also recieve free services?
there'd be no call for prostitution in a society without money.