: Can anyone post me some links that contain good, indepth and informative information about communist goverment organization, hierarchy, and basically how it works, and of course, unbiased?: Thanks,
: the undecided
Here I'll tell you for a start socialists make better coffee and can drink everyone under the table, anyway if that dont impress, governments fail dude, officialdom is so, so easily usurped and the bother in conserving it whether, capitalist or socialist, is out of hand.
Better reading up on ideology, see what motivates individual communistic/socialistic actions, that way you avoid the russian/chinese/cuban disasters (although Cuba isnt the worst, me a socialist still wouldnt want to live there and it isnt just because of poverty) and you can go in for being a "cultured intellectual".
Have fun and whatever you decide on an empathic understanding for your opponents is fairly important it is the grounding for any tolerant, liberal society and from there you can drive off toward freedom.
Wear sunscreen....