- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Don't talk about something you know nothing about.
Posted by: Comrade Loikkanen ( Finland ) on May 28, 1999 at 13:56:40:
In Reply to: communist posted by melanie on May 28, 1999 at 08:07:01:

: I think that communist people are very stupid. Utopian society is spose to be ideal, but actually it isn't. If people were smarter they wouldn't share their wealth. And look at the people who run the communist countries, A bunch of phsycotic idiots.O boy this is a very detaild analysis. And which communist countries are you talking about. Yes, the communist country is really a utopia becaus in communism there are no countries and therefore no phsycotic idiots can run sociaty unless we are all idiots. Don't talk about something you know nothing about. I would not be critisising capitalism if I would know what it is but unfortunately I do.

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