: I might be totally wrong about this point, but observing people in my school has lead to draw the conclusion that first the mentality of the youth must change, and only then possibly could we have an a minimalist socialist Government.No, youd be quite right. Doesnt indicate agreement though. Whats a minimalist socialist government as opposed to a big one?
: In my school, I have been called a 'red' or 'communist' but they were said as insults, this is because to many 15/16 year olds a socialists is just as bad a Nazi or Stalinist
You'll get the same ignorance if you talk about libertarians or capitalists or economics in general. State schools huh!
: This in-built mentality of the youth is the result of the Murdoch
dont credit one newspaper man with so much influence- the media influence is very broad and forms a fabric with government and state education.
: Though possibly the most worrying thing I have heard is when a friend of mine said 'we need somebody to lead us'
Nazi youth! Why people want to be lead by *anyone* puzzles me.
: this mentality of thinking we must be lead blind-folded by corrupt politicians is quite worrying.
I find it worrying that people want any kind of politicians to lead them, because what they are often saying is that they want to bring people with whom they have personal disagreements 'into line' and they want big brother to do it!
: Challenging the mentality of the youth of today must the number one priority of all radical groups, because the longer Governments can continue this brain-washing the harder it is going to be for alternatives to gain any sort of power or following.
So the first step should be seperation fo state and school, yes?