: Copenhagen...Gee, your argument that the green movement is merely a front for powermongers is hardly a an argument that leads to the complete rejection of the green movement. Did I say that it was? It is a reason to view claims with great scrutiny and gaurded skepticism though.
: It is i suspect true that there are certain members of the green party who use the legislature to further their own power goals, but this is hardly unique. As an edxample, one needs merely to look at the law that has grown up around corporations.
And other lobbyists in democracies, same dynamic I imagine.
: You talk about the infringement of rights by powermongers, but i ask you does not the company that destroys the beauty of the wilderness with an oil spill not infringe my rights; doesn't the company that pumps out toxic waste infringe my right;
Except the government claims ownership of said wilderness and claims your rights in doing so, leaving you little personal power to influence or sue the destroyers except to compete for favors in the twisted power games of government. Now if you actually owned the land....