- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Explain more clearly
Posted by: Bob Lee ( USA ) on May 17, 1999 at 13:07:22:
In Reply to: There needn't be ethics, for there would be no government. posted by Jason on May 16, 1999 at 14:14:45:

: True Communim, which has yet to exist, has no ethics. There needn't be ethics, for there would be no government. : In reality, communist country's (which are really fascist countries hiding under the vail of the just communism) rule like a Hitler or Muscilini (spelling), for they are fascist societies just like that of Stalin or Mao.I'm wondering if you even understood my question... You seem to be implying that government and ethics are one and the same; That ethics can not exist seperately in individuals. It seems from your reasoning that since there is no moral code in a communist society, people can do as they wish (ie, kill, loot, rape, plunder). Please eloborate on your explaination. -Bob

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