- Capitalism and Alternatives -
And tireder...
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on May 16, 1999 at 18:58:38:
In Reply to: even more responses to even more nonsenses posted by Gee on May 14, 1999 at 23:47:47:

: To have land as rent free and peoples movement to be based on whim - that santa cruz becomes dangerously overcroweded and polluted, ala slums, because the entire world wants to stay there? SDF: This is absurd. Why would the entire world want to move to a slum? The point was that capitalism is just another form of statist relocation to Siberia for the many have-nots it creates, and that its defenders might as well be Soviet Communists, since both breeds of ideologue are in the business of justifying forced relocation. Why shouldn't Santa Cruz just stage a rent strike, if "at capacity" rent situations are driving its inhabitants to destitution? And, as for Calcutta, did the GOVERNMENT put all those people there? Why, they're "free" to relocate to the deserts of the Punjab any time they want... and Gee will personally set them up with all the resources they need to survive, to boot!

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