- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: Red Deathy ( Socialist party, UK ) on April 27, 1999 at 10:05:40:
In Reply to: Profit posted by Ludwig von Mises(FKA R. Jenkins) on April 26, 1999 at 11:29:54:

: What is wrong with profit? For that matter, what is wrong with money? Why are many of you opposed to wealth when wealth is an indicator of success? Profit and property are both earned, the first of them always so, the latter usually so. So, why do you oppose profit?Nope, profit is always un-earned, it is the unpaid labour of the working class, or, if you like, the difference between the value of opur labour skills on the open market, and the value of the goods we produce- whatever method of determining value you try, this willl remain true. no-one can earn £63 million in one year, not from solely their own work.

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