- Capitalism and Alternatives -
I think troops have to be sent in and try and take out the Milosvic regime out.
Posted by: V.K. ( UK ) on April 22, 1999 at 18:50:44:
In Reply to: Alternative? posted by Earth Person on April 21, 1999 at 12:45:51:

I was just reading your message, and though I agree, and don't believe in war, sometimes it is necessay, though only in acceptional circumstances, and as Milosvic is Fascist ( well he is in my book) I believe military action is neccesary against him. To quote a person from the Spanish Civil War "If I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists" (Anon.) Though I do think the military action taken is wrong. First bombing a dictator only makes the dictator stronger,and/or unites the countries people agianst other nations , eg. Iraq, The Blitz. Also I think it is too crude, I mean just look at the mistakes made so far by the Americans!! I'm not sure if this action is legal, I mean Britain + U.S. haven't declared war on Serbia, just trying to make it conform. I think troops have to be sent in and try and take out the Milosvic regime out.PLease get back to me and tell me what you think of my message

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