: It has been the last, dont you remember how the US and Britain dithered to get this merger distance? The boarders filled with refugees, a scorched earth policy was persued by Serbia etc. before it was decided we might bomb them.The flood of refugees came after the bombing started, the bombing campaign has, predictably, aloowed the Serbian regime to escalate its Genocide.
: Serbias fault not the allies. Dont try and set blame where it doesnt belong.
Thats New Labour Crap, NATO took the decision to Bomb, it must bear the responsibility for those it kills 'They made us do it' is the logic of bullies, and it doesn't hold up. If the UFF were involved in a siege, holding catholics hostage, and the police opened fire and killed some of the hostages- what would your reaction be? Blame the UFF? Blame the Police for fucking up?
: Of course it was and that's why it took them so long to do anything at all. However by channelling albians into macadonia and the impoverished state of albania Milo has succeeded in distablising the region in exactly the fashion the allies where trying to avoid.
And maybe they have done it precisely for that reason, as a way of trying to get the ALlies to back out of a spreading war...