: If somoene decides to go ahead and work for less than what a goven union thinks appropriate, the union has no right to stop him from doing so. A unions purpose should be to represent the interests of those people listed as being members, but not at the cost of other workers.No, but a Union can stop the employer from employing people below a certain rate, and after all, we can't allow one person to undermine the wages of everyone else.
: Then where are the millions who should be milling around jobles according to the above reasoning? Even 'massaged' figures caould not hide millions. How come mass market goods are still selling, if the poor are falling out of the loop? These people are getting jobs.
1:Service industry and other low pay jobs.
2:Teeside has a 20% unemployement rate.
3:There are millions unemployed.
4:The dole.
: Good argument against state-fascism. This isnt done at the behest, implicit or explicit, of business owners (unless all those popular 'ilumunati' conspiracy theories hacve truth in them).
Big business supported fascism in Germany to teh hilt, and gave vast funds to the Nazi party....why does business keep funding the Republicans or the Democrats unless they are generally happy with the way things are currently run.
: If it actually is agreed openly.
Most closed shops are openly ackowledge as such.