- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Why are we here?
Posted by: Red Deathy ( Socialist Party, UK ) on April 01, 1999 at 18:41:25:

Well, since the Appeal has come out, this may be of note to our Anarcho-Capitalist freinds who don't think that Coprorations will spend lots of money, even to a loss, to stifle dissent:"As a result of their further findings against the [McEvil] Corporation, the 3 Lord Justices reduced Mr Justice Bell's award of £60,000 damages to McDonald's (who'd spent an estimated £10m on the case) by £20,000. However, it is an outrage that McDonald's has been awarded any damages at all in the light of all the serious findings made against the company. No sanctions have been taken against the company, despite these findings. "

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