- Capitalism and Alternatives -
An unintended apologist apologizes
Posted by: Che Guevara ( Handless Brigade, World Citizen ) on March 29, 1999 at 15:56:54:
In Reply to: No to revisionism or apologetics posted by Lark on March 24, 1999 at 15:20:45:

: : I'd just like to say that the apolgists of the soviet union are no friend to Socalism and that it'd be a lot better if you stopped debating who's the worst appropriater and incarcarator and just decided to oppose incarcaration and appropriation altogether, yes that's both state and private.Che replies: I didn't think I was apologizing for the atrocieties of the Soviet Union. I was merely offering an honest analysis. Only by honest critique can we then learn, and perhaps devise a better solution. Nontheless I do agree that we should oppose oppression on all levels.

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