: : So why then, Red have you argued in the past that you would not try to lead struggles? Or argue that your fellow workers should pursue one action rather than another?: Erm, because Socialism is about the self activity of the working class,
Of which you and I are a part.....
: and leadership is an expropriation of agency, and is utterly anti-socialist.
Utter Rubbish-So anti-socialists such as Karl Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, etc...were all wrong hey?
: And I argue for one course of action, rather than anotehr, because I feel tahts what the workers should do.
So you ARE attempting to give direction, i.e. a lead so that the struggle goes backwards rather than forwards.....
I think it's time to stop being so sectarian and realise that if the most class conscious elements of the working class DONT give a lead then others will.....namely the Right.
Do you actually do any activity other than writing on this list, because if you came down to East London I can show you why it's important to give a lead, because if you don't then working class people get killed.
McSpotlight: ...and, just as things were quieting down in the Catholic vs. Born-again debate, up popped the SWP vs. Non-Heirarchical debate...