: It's unpopular in the west in the same way Islam is unpopular people havent actually applied much thought the whole thing but have preconcived prejudices etc.I did actually go ahead and contradict myself, I think people try to have their cake and eat it too - or rather they want the producers to produce, themselves to have a chance at gaining more and to get other peoples stuff all at the same time.
: Example:
: Someone said to me once if I was so Socialist I could give away all my money and beg.
: I replied I've never "Preached" voluntary poverty but revolution and social equity.
What they were asking was probably silly, unless his point was "are you willing to give up your financial status, as would occur in the 'mean' average accrioss the globe?"
: : You need to accept that populations are *not* hapless fools being controlled by capitalist forces to disagree with socialism,
: Really? But they are when they display Socalist Characturistics?
Be fair Lark, thats one I havent accused socialists of (or If i did then i humbly apologise, because I dont believe it)
: Greed I'd say, it's hardly a good thing and it prevents your utopia unfolding too Gee. The Greed is good factor that was used to preserve Capitalism by it's sell by date, and is still being used, sabotaged your version, the enlightenment pre-capitalist Capitalism, of Capitalism long ago.
I do agree that people have spoiled a sound ideal (sound because it suggested that not only was your life your own, but that benevolence would be a natural part of a persons bundle of values). I think the adversarial relationships set up by divide and conquer ruling 'classes' who set contributer v beneficiary by removing choice are largekly to blame.
Self interest, as ive gone through before, is not a bad thing by definition, and generally not in practice