: Union carbide then looks at the case, decides that it could loose, lets say £30 million (the costs of the explosion were recouped through insurance), because they know that it was their cost cutting that lowered safety standards allowing the accident to happen, though currently they are blaming a dead foreman.Thats all they would lose? So people would gladly buy products related to them, there wouldnt be a cooperation to boycott them, they wouldnty become 'bad news' to be associated with and go out of business or 'do the right thing' and stand a chance of carrying on?
: McSpotlight: Little bit of relevant news; ICI was revealed to be the UK's worst water polluter last year, and was fined £385,000 (~$600,000) for things like releasing thousands of gallons of chloroform into the UK water supply.
And this is why the above doesnt happen. "ICI did what? gosh thats bad, still the govt did something so it must all be legit again now" Let 'daddy' or 'mommy' take 'care' of the bad boys and the person doens have to worry about it? Doesnt work