: That's interesting Gee, I could live in marginal happiness if capitalism could be purged of authoritarianism and parasite bureaucracyThe best way to achieve this is the mechanism of competition, left at the mercy of consumers and lacking state protection (in the form of trade barriers and arbitrary 'standards' and regulations) inefficient companies die off or become efficient. The move away from Tayloresque hierarchies to flattened structures (or even more enlightened cellular structures) in business is due to competition (and also technologies). Take away 'big brother' and the squalid lumbering 'giants' of industry will be gradually eroded by the demands made upon them in a genuinely competetive market. Incompetent hangers on wont be playing boss anymore - the thing that kept them there will be gone.
: but then you have the problem of self interest
I think, as I said in my post on holidays and TVs, that self interest will manifest regardless of external regulation, it just gets perverted into a criminalised black market. To alter 'demand' for aiding the 3rd world etc doesnt require abolishing private property, it requires people to actually want to help.
: Yes and I'm all on for a more radical notion of the seperation of religion and institutional church.
Thats most interesting, I hadnt considered that logical next step.
: Fine state economics arent an ideal of mine any longer but I do realise that the lives of all the Pauls will be improved by robbing the Peters so I'm for it, I am in this respect utilitarian, however my ultimate goal is one where the Peters gladly contribute to the up keep of the Pauls and eventually you've only got Pauls.
I think a starting point (the robbing) does not set a firm foundation for the volitional contributions you describe. I would rather take away the corrupt Peter's protectors (state) than create another them v us nation.