- Capitalism and Alternatives -
While the website is down, read this.
Posted by: MDG on February 17, 19100 at 10:25:08:
In Reply to: Hitler was not a vegan; the Nazis were not animal rights activists. posted by MDG on February 16, 19100 at 18:12:43:

The link which takes apart the myth that the Nazis supported animal rights appears to be malfunctioning, though it worked this morning. Until that site is up and running again, here is a shorter response to this erroneous charge:Although the Nazis purported to pass an anti-vivisection bill, they did not. In fact, they were required by law to first perform their experiments on animals before carrying them out on humans. Experiments on humans did not replace animal experiments; on the contrary, animal experiments made them possible. John Vyvyan in The Dark Face of Science summed it up correctly: "The experiments made on prisoners were many and diverse, but they had one thing in common: All were in continuation of or complementary to experiments on animals. In every instance, this antecedent scientific literature is mentioned in the evidence; and at Buchenwald and Auschwitz concentration camps, human and animal experiments were carried out simultaneously as parts of a single programme."

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