- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Agreed !
Posted by: Kweassa on February 16, 19100 at 14:21:39:
In Reply to: Marxist 'Morality' posted by Barry Stoller on February 14, 19100 at 11:33:13:

This emphasis on 'morality', which is SUPPOSED to exist over ALL realistic conditions as an absolute standard for HUMANITY is probably one of the most spectacular forgery of all human history. The morality of socialism does not ask, as Barry said, AMORALITY. Rather it does ask the rethinking of current standards of social morality between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the state and individual, and the powerstructures engripping the world. What is the difference of comrades questioning 'morality', between those very words once (and still) the church and the most IMMORAL bourgeoisie of them all once cried out against socialists in the 19th century? "It destroys the family order" "Incites violence" "It is atheist" etc etc etc etc... Capitalism is undoubtably one of the most formidable forces in the history of mankind which pacified under its power every section and standard of human action. And that includes 'morality'. It is no doubt an idealistic dream if we think we can somehow change the economy into socialist but remain morality intact. How are we gonna do that? When many codes of this 'morality' limits our actions essential at dismantling the capitalist order?

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