[Snip Lark Said:]
: It's a threat? Just keep spinning your brutalistic murder ballads Barry your impressing no one, no doubt like Lenin you'd be impressed by Necheyev's 'Revolutionary Catechism' with it's bizarre militarism and amorality.
*Come again? Lenin was 'impressed' with "The Revolutionary Catechism?" Written by S.G. Nechayev who was a disciple of the anarchist Bakunin, advocate of terrorism and erstwhile leader of the Narodniks... I think perhaps you should qualify your use of the term 'impressed' here. Lenin was very critical of the Narodniki as well as the various splinter factions led by P.L. Lavrov and P.N. Tkachov; the Zemla i Volya and Narodnaya Volya (People's Freedom and People's Will).
Now Lenin did read Chernyschevsky's Narodnik novel, "Shto Delat?" ("What is to be Done?"). He also named his first well-known treatise by the same title. He is said to have prefered the novels of Goncharov however. Lenin's older brother, Sasha, was the Narodniki in the family. --K
"We are encouraged to develop our intellectual powers, but we are not allowed to use them for the benefit of the people." --Alexander (Sasha) Ulyanov; May 8, 1887. At his trial where he was convicted of plotting to assasinate the Czar and sentenced to hang with four comrades.