[Snip to Where Krasny Tried to Elucidate the Young Tow Headed Mr. Piper on the Proper Use of the Expression "just desserts"]
: : *That's 'desserts' old boy... an easy way to remember the difference between the two is to remember that whenever your fingers come into contact with a keyboard, intelligence 'deserts' you; A Krasny post usually contains both reason and insult, which is like having two 'desserts.'
: Piper: Oh really. I think you should have a look here, here, and especially here.
: *is that blueberry pie on your face?*
*It is enough to establish that there are others in the world who, like yourself live life blissfully free from the ravages of intelligence. Did you *actually* search out these pages merely to prove just how inane you really are? Try a "dic-shun-ary" next time old son and ask your fourth grade teacher who the American poet Robert Frost was.* --K

McSpotlight: It's immaterial who started this mudslinging; any further abusive and irrelevant posts along this vein from anyone will be rejected.