- Capitalism and Alternatives -
What sort of s^!+ is this?
Posted by: NJ ( DSA, MA, USA ) on February 08, 19100 at 13:53:35:
In Reply to: just deserts for Kransy posted by Piper on February 08, 19100 at 10:16:42:

: Piper: Cut the crap Krasny I know you support despotism as a form of revolution. You could not in good conscience call yourself a Marxist if you didn't.WHAT?! What sort of shit is this? Marxism has come to power many times democratically and through the ballot box, and in noen of these places did it resort to despotism once it was there. Nicaragau and Chile are only two of the best known examples. This is extremely disingenuous and such a reactionary statement that it puts Frenchy to shame. Marxism is about ENDIng the despotism of the capitalists, and then about destroying teh state itself. You know that as well as me. So stop trying to psychoanalyze and make sweeping statements about Marxism and/or Communism.

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