This board reminds me of a scene from "Lawrence of Arabia" when one of the Arab partisans tells Lawrence that there is a rumor that he (Lawrence) is only doing all his leading of the Arab revolt for his own personal gain. Lawrence says something to the effect of, "This is what I think of such rumors!" and he spits on the ground.
The Arab replies, "*That* is not an argument."
Very interesting life you have there mate. Here's my one and only 'Japan' story...
I was in Tokyo (several years ago) for a labor conference between the US ILWU and their Japanese dockworker's union counterparts. We were trying to work out the terms for cooperation between our two unions. In the Japanese union hall, there was a portrait of Lenin on the wall with a small sign written in Japanese below it. All through the conference, which was very long owing to the fact that translations had to be provided of not only the conversations but documents as well, I wondered what the sign said... what piece of profound advice from the 'Stariki' could it be?
Finally, the conference wound up and I asked one of the translators what the sign said.
He replied, "Ah, it says 'Please remember to fold up the chairs before you leave.'"
Good advice! :)--K
