- Capitalism and Alternatives -
More revolution by the Marlboro Man
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on February 07, 19100 at 10:27:16:
In Reply to: Why 'win' the White House? Smash it! posted by Barry Stoller on February 06, 19100 at 19:44:45:

: Yes, Green campaigns may very well be 'only a chance to create a national complaint about capitalism,' but Green campaigns are not necessarily the only 'chance to create a national complaint about capitalism.' : A boycott alone does that---and more: a boycott adds to the complaint that not even a Green in the White House would make a difference. And that conclusion is a revolutionary conclusion: it means the White House (etc.) must go. SDF: Bullshit. Election boycotts will be ignored, as they are today. There is no difference between "boycotting" an election and being too busy to make it to the polls. No assumptions can be made about mass consciousness on the basis of failure to vote.

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