- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Fair enough, distinction acknowledged
Posted by: Barry Stoller on February 05, 19100 at 11:36:38:
In Reply to: I must protest posted by MDG on February 05, 19100 at 01:16:09:

: Now you know I said you were as dangerous as a fascist; if I'd meant to call you a fascist, I would have said so outright. I knew then, as now, that you're a communist, not a fascist. My angry post was meant to convey that as I saw it then, you appeared to be a person of little tolerance who was ready, willing, and able to kill those who disagreed with you -- traits often found in fascists, but not necessarily limited to fascists.You're right, there is a distinction there. I was simplifying when I made my statement. For the record: MDG did not say I was a fascist, he said that I was a 'person of little tolerance who was ready, willing, and able to kill those who disagreed with' me. Not that I'd agree with that. After all, what elicited that opinion was merely stern polemic.

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