- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Don't know
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on February 04, 19100 at 10:41:40:
In Reply to: Does this violate Godwin's Law? posted by Spock on February 03, 19100 at 10:55:39:

: You know, the communists in 1933 Germany decided not to fight the Nazis, reasoning that fascism would bring its opposite, communism. The communists decided to wait the Hitler regime out, and even in cases welcomed it as makikng contradictions clear. Well, we all know what happened there/SDF: According to Dante Germino's book on Gramsci, the Communist Party of Italy was the only serious fighting opposition to Mussolini after he took over Italy in 1923, all the other parties having decided to compromise with him and his Black Shirts. Maybe they were into that "lesser of two evils" logic or something. Just thought I ought to point that out.

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