- Capitalism and Alternatives -
The Tendency of Capitalism
Posted by: Monane ( Singapore ) on February 03, 19100 at 17:10:50:

Villente needs Capitalism. His father is a shopkeeper. He sells small stuff to the local neighbourhood. When he sells cigarettes to his customers, he is happy with the money he earns. He is proud.Proud that by selling more and more of his goods, he is able to earn more money to sent his son to colleage and to buy his daughter the mini-skirt she look great in. He does not know what is capitalism and communism nor anarchism nor anything. Although he raises some extreme sentiments - he wanted to smash his neighbour's Volvo because he was jealous - he is largely apolitical. One fine day, he heard some guy tell him some stuff about Capitalism and its rewards. And he find that guy is quite right about the selfishness of this world. After all, we are progressing despite of being selfish. He thought. And Capitalism was so familiar to him. He used and employed it all his life. Very good idea. He thought. Easy to understand and so correct. And so he lived his life, ordinarily as a shopkeeper. The guy was right. As long as you work hard and your sons work hard, surely we were prosper soon. Prosper. It is such a nice thing of capitalism. Bigger Television. Faster Computers. Big luxury cars. Its all the comforts of Capitalism. He has not got them yet but soon. Look at his neighbour - he has suceeded. Wasn't he the symbol and the icon of the rightness and correctness of Capitalism? His son was a doctor and his daughter was a pilot - result of good education. All because of capitalism. Wasn't that great? Capitalism? The man died three years later,possibly he commited suicide after smashing his neighbour's Volvo. His son claimed two million dollars insurance money. Surely another greatness of Capitalism. Insurance. He can travel the world now. Another wonder of Capitalism. What happened? They ask him. The son said, " He wanted everything the neighbour has. He wanted the house, the car, the everything. He worked harder, 15 hours day and he got wealthier. He wanted more and more for it seems that he was not fulfilling the Capitalism dream. So he worked harder and harder. Then his wife - my mother left him. But he still strive and then he died."

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