- Capitalism and Alternatives -
My thoughts
Posted by: David ( USA ) on February 02, 19100 at 10:48:24:
In Reply to: Sign of an open mind. posted by MDG on February 01, 19100 at 10:35:37:

: Thanks, David, but I'd be even happier if you considered that socialism can offer good things, as well as bad (same with capitalism). For instance, I believe that nationalized health care would be a good thing, and it's wrong to dismiss it out of hand simply because it may be considered socialistic; if it works best, who gives a damn what label it falls under?I agree, I don't think we should get so hung up on labels. However, allow me to explain my position on many "socialist" issues, for one, such as nationalized health care. Essentially, I follow my hierarchy of values. I subordinate the lesser values to the greater ones. Just because I say that I oppose national health care does not mean that I do not care if people get sick and die, what it means is that I value a persons individuals rights above all else. That means that I do not believe it is right to tax people to death in order to pay for nationalized health care. It is a very painful stance to take, believe me.

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