: : Hey Krasny,Hey Farinata:: : The responses I posted were IRONIC--with the quotes I used, how could they be otherwise? I think I made myself quite clear, especially in the second one to Krasny The whole point was that the nuclear family and all the ideas which flow from it is very useful to capitalist consumerism. It maximizes consumption and provides a training ground for a hierarchical workplace.
: : The marriage and the nuclear family may not be direct CREATIONS of bourgeois ideology, but the interests of capitalism and the maintenance of this unit (even if it's just an ideal to which we think we should strive) certainly intersect in very important ways.
: : Insane boot-lickers like Frenchy cannot be vanquished with logic and reasoning alone. The world is full of madness and sometimes one must meet madness with madness.
: Damn; I actually get worked up to the point of eloquence and it's just another B.P. special.
: *sigh*
: You even got me this time; and I can normally spot them a mile off.
: Congrats, of a sort.
: Farinata.
*Jeesh! I rolled out the big guns [Maxim Gorky] for a *drill*???
Oh well, that's what I get for missing staff meetings... --K
