- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Oh, yeah, Mr. Smarty-Pants Communist?
Posted by: Joe Adelphio on January 31, 19100 at 16:23:11:
In Reply to: Petite Bourgeois Sentimentality posted by Krasny on January 31, 19100 at 13:19:53:

Oh, yeah, Mr. Smarty-Pants Communist? (phhhhhp!) How about it YOU show ME a better consumer unit than the nuclear family, huh? Can you, tough guy? No you CAN'T, because there ISN'T ONE!Why, the nuclear family is simultaneously the most efficient consumer unit (1 washing machine per household, 2-3 tv's, 2 cars etc) AND the father-breadwinner-as-boss duplicates the hierarchical relationship NECESSARY for their future as workers in which they will play a subordinate role to their managers. Are you telling me there's a BETTER ideal than this? Show it to me! Training starts young, buddy. Somebody failed putting you in line, I can see that.

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