Anarcho-capitalism is, properly understood, the dictatorship of the rich.The state used to serve the rich mans interests the politicians etc. where good little boys and did whatever their paymasters told them to do, just like Hitler did in Germany.
However now the rich have realised that they dont need the rich they can talk to the gullible at large directly, convince them of a silly trendy ideology and hey presto the abolition of the bothersome and costly state and politicians and the free reign of their might.
Who needs an unpredictable state army when you can employ your own that'll rape, murder and torture at a low wage? Who needs a police force with an ounce of scruples when you can employ your own unscrupulous torture squads at a low wage?
If you dont like the police state dont simply call for it's privatisation.
If your annoyed by the leviathan of state, the visible leviathan, dont be a fool and pretend that the invisible leviathan, the leviathan of capitalist oligarchy, is any less harmful or any more benevolent.
The capitalist poisons the water hole in the pursuit of short term gain (who cares if we're all dead tommorrow?) and the politicians poisons the water hole while pursuing bigger better weapons, they both do it the same.