- Capitalism and Alternatives -
This from an NRA endorser?
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on January 24, 19100 at 16:17:26:
In Reply to: I'll be the first to admit that the French are slow learners... posted by Frenchy on January 24, 19100 at 09:55:17:

: : And yet, and yet Nickel Jack, the world casts off the miserable failed experiment of Communism. : Do you see yourself, along with Krasny and Samuel Day Fassbinder, standing over an open pit holding AK-47's? I do. SDF: Well, Frenchy, since you've already admitted to owning a gun and since you justendorsed the NRA, that esteemed collection of gun-lovers, we'd have to say that it's YOU who we imagine holding the guns... BTW, are you a fascist, like Farinata said you were?

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