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There is no country called 'Basutuland'
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on January 21, 19100 at 16:48:10:
In Reply to: Hate to pop your bubble here MDG posted by Frenchy on January 21, 19100 at 12:30:20:

: About those non-American folks, bet you wouldn't enjoy life in many of those countries. Places like Basutuland. There is no country called 'Basutuland'. The name of the people living there are Basotho. (yes, that's how you spell it.) As for the name of the country, I could tell you, but I really don't give a shit. If you don't have the respect to call them by their proper name, then I don't see the point of debating with you.

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