- Capitalism and Alternatives -
It's been a dark 70 years of silence, hasn't it
Posted by: Dennis on January 21, 19100 at 14:35:40:
In Reply to: A chastised student shows his appreciation. Attn. Krasny. posted by Frenchy on January 21, 19100 at 12:34:27:

Thank you, Frenchy, and thank you, the authors of this much needed book. And thank God! Finally the horrors of communism have been brought to light! It's been a dark 70 years of silence, hasn't it, fellow conservatives? I mean, with the exception of the heroic work from newspaper editorials, magazine features, photographs in Time, Newsweek, Life, People, US, Saturday Evening Post, Atlantic, the word would never have gotten out. What are a few measly decades of films, books, articles in academic journals, newcasts on television, radio shows, stump speeches by politicians, class lectures by grade school teachers, high school teachers, college professors, compared to the rantings of that guy at the Boston Common? If not for the brave work of thousands of pundits, the American public would never have known of the barbarity of the Stalinist monster! I'm just thankful the veil of silence has been lifted, and not a moment too soon, either! I hear the Soviet Union is planning to . . . Would you fellas excuse me? My stockbroker is calling on my cell-phone. Back in a flash . . .LOVE-YA!

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