: Nearly all ability is acquired, if we could really, really remove that we'd see innate ability is very small.Nope, you're wrong. Why is it that three children raised in an orphanage in exactly the same conditions have rediculously disparate IQ scores at age five? This was a very simple social experiment done in the late 1960s. Three boys, one the son of an auto worker in Detroit who'd never been to high school, one the son of a successful Wall Street broker (that child was illegitimate, by the way), and one the son of a successful owner of a small-town appliance store. Guess who had the highest score?
Laborer's Son: Around 100. What's to be expected.
His Father: Around 105. Slightly above.
Brokers Son: Around 130.
Father: Around 130.
Small Businessman's Son: Around 155
Father: Around 155
Hmm.... This experiment was repeated numerous times with unwanted children throughout the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Almost every time the results were conclusive: The best educated corporate-types often came in second behind those who worked for themselves, and the factory worker's children almost ALWAYS came in last, with a couple statistically acceptable exceptions.
Let's face up to the facts, folks. INTELLIGENCE IS GENETIC! It simply is. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out, just go to any public high school. Even in most other non-standard measurement of intellegence, its genetic. Parents and their children always have the same score range on any sort of ability test. So let's stop whining about the disadvantaged worker. Go read Brave New World, and just realize that that's how things are naturally. Lets just accept it, move on, and then start doing great things.