- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Something Is Haunting Chile All Right...
Posted by: Krasny ( Internationale, All Countries... ) on January 19, 19100 at 10:50:43:
In Reply to: A spectre is haunting Chile posted by Lark on January 18, 19100 at 16:09:13:

There's the new 'socialist' President who was very assertive during the Pinochet years, but who many regard as a moderate today. As far as Pinochet goes... the latest nuance in the case is that he is too old and frail to undergo a trial and, therefore, he should be sent home a free man. A pity Peru doesn't see things that way. As for waiting on Frenchy to denounce Pinochet, I wouldn't hold my breath. It's unlikely he'll find an article to spam critical of Pinochet with the Freedom and Capitalism Crowd. Representative of an ominous dark turn on that phrase coined by Robert Kennedy, "Some look at the world (murdered socialists) and ask themselves 'why?' While others look at the world (murdered socialists) and ask 'why not?'" --K

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