- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Atlantic Monthly
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on January 16, 19100 at 19:32:21:
In Reply to: Pff! posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on January 14, 19100 at 15:38:55:

Actually, SDF, you might be interested to know this. The most recent issue of "Atlantic Monthly" carried an article which claimed that the most important resistance to the Chinese regime today, and in the last decade, has come from the left, not the right. The resisters' claim is not that China is too communist, but that it'snot communist enough. Apparently these protestors are much more numerous, influential, and feared than the fairly insignificant pro-capitalist resistance. During the Tian An Men repression, said the article, the Chinese were primarily worried not about the students but rather about the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Front, a workers group that depolored the Deng reforms and unfulrled a big red-and-black flag. Apparently, the BWAF is one of the most powerful opposition groups in china.

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