- Capitalism and Alternatives -
So you want to be a millionaire?
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on January 15, 19100 at 11:52:54:
In Reply to: War is Peace... posted by Frenchy on January 14, 19100 at 20:28:38:

: ))))))))))), Freedom is Slavery, and.......these are two of the three ubiquitous mottoes that the citizens who populate George Orwell's 1984 commit to memory from early childhood.SDF: So now you're quoting "democratic Socialists" like George Orwell? Which side are you on, anyway? I'll give you a hint about one of the other slogans of the Ministry of Truth of Oceania. "You" actually endorsed it in a non-humorous way, in a post with your name on it, awhile back on the Georgists' BBS.

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