- Capitalism and Alternatives -
armchair militarists.
Posted by: Krasny ( Internationale, All Countries... ) on January 11, 19100 at 11:03:56:
In Reply to: Migs 2, Cessna 1. posted by Frenchy on January 10, 19100 at 11:45:15:

: Where are the big bad Mig jet fighter pilots? Excuse me? Could you speak up? : Oh, yes, of course, I should've known, they don't like real competition, an even match, like a flight of pissed of F-15 Eagles just itching to splash 'em. *By your own article's admission, they were "F-16's" you incredible waste of skin. So, Cuba scrambled a couple Migs, but that's not enough for you 'armchair militarists.' Had that idiot in the Cessna or US / Cuban military pilots been shot down, it's all great 'blame Fidel' fare so far as the rightwing loons are concerned. --K

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