- Capitalism and Alternatives -
the bosses are going to be as bad as in capitalism.
Posted by: Lark on December 30, 1999 at 11:09:54:
In Reply to: Bosses posted by Barry Stoller on December 29, 1999 at 10:54:07:

I've no idea why you've taken it upon yourself to defend that murdering statist Lenin Barry but I'd say that the best approach to take is one in which every individual is encouraged to exercise militant self-emancipation, empowerment and DIRECT ACTION, in this way bosses will never have the power they do now to threaten, coerce etc. they will have to reason and persuade workers they are correct rather than simply order them and expect obediance.This simply isnt going to happen in anything other than anarchist or libertarian 'state' (libertarian 'statists' consider the state to be the same as the anarchist aggregate of communes or aggregate of syndicates etc.) socialism, in the system envisaged by you (it's very utopian to demand obediance to per-planned systems, Marx really had it in for people who demanded this even if it was well rationalised out, trial and error is the only way) requires authoritarianism and obediance more than anything else to ensure compliance with plans and job rotation, so the bosses are going to be as bad as in capitalism.

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