: : Equality = Marxism - Individual Freedom = Anarchism...I'm awaiting an explanation of this... I for one know it's the opposite.
: 'Anarchism is bourgeois philosophy turned inside out.'---Lenin.
Ah, yes, and Lenin was known for his friendships with anarchists wasnt he? He wasnt just working from the prejudices of marxists historically rife in Russia now was he?
:Anarchism is but the repudiation of society's interconnectedness, a selfish ideology fully compatible with capital.
That is an incredible misunderstanding of anarchism, if not a mighty attempt at propagandist blackening. Capital and capitalist society is the greatest restraint on the individual ever dreamt up, it is also not accurate to describe anarchists as selfish.
:What anarchism really desires is to simply set up shop again---with new monopolists controlling the means of production.
Now that is BULLSHIT, I'm an anarchist and I'm TELLING you that that simply isnt true, I dont know where you READ or HEARD that, you definitely didnt hear that from an anarchist or came to that conclusion through reading actual anarchist literature, it's a complete lie.