: Things arent going well on the convincing me of anything or persuading me of anything front Barry, here's a hint quit insinuating things about me and your opponents attempting to demonise us and actually debate points.: Try, 'Job rotation is good because..therefore it shouldnt be subordinated to workers control and direct action' not 'Lark! He's a bloody, Plato Facist etc. etc.'
: Be a bit less rash and bit more friendly, alright comrade....
Since talking to Red Deathy I have discovered that most of your 'liberty in the workforce' 'ad hocary' hoo-hah has simply been a simplified version of his Morrisian distortion of Marxism. Please see this post for the details. The utopian infatuation you share with RD regarding anarchistic production is nothing less than a slap in the face of the one thing that socialism is predicated upon, industrialization. See also this post.
As far as name-calling goes, aren't YOU the champ when it comes to name-calling?