: In fact, my father who is in the automotive industry (VP, earning $180,000/year without even finishing high school)Oh dear David, You've let slip a personal detail. As your father is rich (he was 'lucky', yeah right) then you are a mere foolish pawn in the capitalists game unable to see past your class interest, or something appropriately insulting. Ofcourse Stoller is somehow enabled to see accross every facet of humanity.
: That was because I was arguing the ethics of a system, not the practical real life workings of one. I was asking Barry to justify his premises, something he just writes off a Randian-Ploy (perhaps he should by a book on philosophical debate).
If you can't answer them, write em off as a ploy or smear? It works for politicians.
: Ah yes, Barry's sore losers. Basically mob rule. His only defense of it is going on the offensive and saying "Well, you do like this minority rule?!?!"
Pointless loop arguments. Do away with principle and talk numbers - like that makes anything ok. I hear burning women as witches was *very* popular in parts of Europe at one time. Must have been a 'good' thing then.
If majoritarianism is the 'right' thing then witch burning & lynch mobs must also be 'right'. Cant have ones cake and eat it too you know.